Rhodes Campus Master Plan
The buildings of Rhodes College constitute one of the finest expressions of the Collegiate Gothic style and are expressive of its liberal arts mission. In 2001, Hanbury provided guidelines that positioned Rhodes College to meet its evolving needs while preserving this unique character. The plan anticipated siting for new buildings, illustrated concept development including site diagrams and building programs for future facilities, identified land use and open space patterns, strategized key contributions to the campus fabric and planning features, and addressed parking issues. A landscape master plan was also part of the scope of work. In 2013, the College tasked Hanbury with updating the master plan in anticipation of a new residence hall, additional teaching and lab space for the Biology and Chemistry departments, and general classroom space. As a result, not only is the campus more vibrant, but campus space across the board is much more efficiently utilized.
“Hanbury has... continuously demonstrated sensitivity to the needs of our campus community and have consistently delivered outstanding, award-winning projects.”
– Brian Foshee, Director of Physical Plant, Rhodes College
- Sector: Higher Education
- Scope: Planning
- Memphis, Tennessee
- 2013
- 100 acres